Welcome, October!

Hi friends, cheers to the weekend!

Can you believe we’re already a couple days into October? The year is flying by for me; I’m having trouble coming to terms with the fact that 2019 is already 3/4 over. Pretty soon we’ll be putting up our Christmas decorations, so let that sink in. Anyways, I’m not ready to think about Christmas yet… because it’s October!

October is one of my favorite months of the year. Between all the fall decor, colorful leaves, Oktoberfest beers, and Halloween movies coming back into rotation, I have this major vibe for October. I always feel in my most silliest and happiest moods during this month. Silly faces, big smiles, pictures with my pumpkins (can’t help it!), photoshoots upon photoshoots upon photoshoots, you name it… I just love this season and time of year! How about you?

Last weekend, Alex and I picked up a hay bale, a few pumpkins, and a basket of mums at a cute little city farmer’s market. It was really hot in North Carolina last weekend — temperatures were mad high, with feels like temperatures over 100 degrees. How can I get into the fall season if I’m sweating trying to pick out a pumpkin under a shaded tent?

Lucky for us, the hot weather should be ending today as we are forecasted to stay in the mid to upper 70 degree mark tomorrow. Alex and I are planning to head to the pumpkin patch tomorrow and then do some more decorating over the weekend! I plan to make my house super festive this year, which means I can see a trip to Hobby Lobby in my near future (Alex, you’ve been warned).


I’ve also taken quite a few cool nature photos this week. Fun fact about me: I’m always on the lookout for a good nature photo (could be the sun, green fields, fog, water, blue skies, cool clouds, etc.). I wanted to wrap up today’s post by sharing some of my favorite photos from the week. Leave a comment below and let me know which one is your favorite!

Out-of-nowhere rainstorm creating raindrop blur on the windshield of my car on my drive home from work.

Blue skies & sunshine peaking through the trees on a hike at Raven Rock State Park last weekend.

Two foggy morning commutes — one with, one without the sun.

Catching colors with the setting sun — my personal favorites.

If there is any Fall-related content you’d like to see in the next few months, drop a comment below and I will work it into my posting schedule.
