Weekly Snaps!

As many of you know, I thoroughly enjoy taking pictures on my iPhone. From selfies to dog pictures to sunny nature shots, I love capturing and sharing life’s moments through the lens of my camera app. This is not to say I don’t like to be present and live life in the moment, because I very much do. I simply love compiling and reflecting upon my biggest and most seemingly small memories at the end of each week.

Toward the end of last year, I found that sharing little bits of “life lately” helped me get in the habit of practicing gratitude in a refreshing way that worked really well for me. So, in the spirit of gratitude, get used to spending your Sundays with me, my thoughts, and my camera roll, because today I’m introducing the first edition of a new Sunday series called Weekly Snaps! Grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and let’s catch up!


First things first, is anyone else loving the tie dye trend that’s popping up this year? I went to Target a few weekends ago to browse the clothing section and I was super excited to see that bright, pastel tie dyes were back! Of course, I grabbed a couple comfy weekend shirts and took selfies later that night. I mean hey, a good selfie or two never hurt anyone, amirite?

In addition to my Target run, I also grabbed a few things from Amazon. My most notable purchases included a reversible vest (black on one side, sherpa on the other — super cute!) and two pairs of black boots that I really love.


Okay, now that the shopping details are out of the way, let’s jump in! Last weekend, before the Green Bay Packers lost to the San Francisco 49ers (sad face), Alex and I went out for lunch at a local brewery and enjoyed a few beers, then grabbed coffee before heading home. I am a total beer and coffee kind of person. Give me a beer flight and a hot coffee afterwards and I am happy as can be!


For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you know that my dog loves to play dead before bed time. It’s cute and funny, but also a pain when you’re tired and have to try to get him to go outside one more time and he just lays on the floor, lifeless.


And then there was Monday… On Monday, I accidentally ruined the rice noodles that I was making to go with Chrissy Teigen’s Drunken Noodle recipe, but I (kind of) saved the night with spare linguine noodles. Don’t tell Chrissy! Anyways, I enjoyed my Drunken (linguine) Noodles and watched The Bachelor to cap off the night. We’ll talk more about The Bachelor next week…


Tuesday was one of those days for me. I was feeling overwhelmed with all the projects I’m responsible for in my professional life, but still tried my best to look cute and smile through the pain! I bought this leopard scarf from H&M when I was in NYC last year and it’s the perfect thickness for those kind of chilly, but sunny and warm winter days we’ve been having lately in North Carolina.


On Wednesday, I got to do one of my favorite lunch break activities: take Mogul for a walk! I usually always go home to visit Mogul during work week lunch hours and I have to say that the breath of fresh air has become a refreshingly helpful way for me to break the work day into more manageable halves. Plus, a cute dog and blue skies are factual mood boosters you know. Science!


As long as the last week felt, Friday came quick and thank goodness it did! I took a few cute selfies on the patio at lunch before heading back to work to close out the work week.


After work on Friday night, Alex and I stopped by a local restaurant for dinner. The waitress came to our table to take our order and said “Hey guys, I remember you two! I’ve served you before!”. Does anyone else ever go to a restaurant where the wait staff recognizes you? Anyways, I tried a new cider (a little sweet for my liking) and ate some good food with my cute date.


Saturday was such a fun day! In the morning, I took Mogul for a run around the neighborhood before coming home to lazily enjoy my coffee into the afternoon hours (oops!)…


After running out of coffee, I decided to get ready so I could drag Alex out of the house for the afternoon. Turns out, we had a super fun afternoon in store for us and we didn’t even plan to laugh as hard as we did. Like two kids on a playground… literally… stay tuned!


Part 1 of the fun Saturday adventure took us to Cameron, North Carolina where we tried out James Creek Cider House, a new local cidery. It was so good and definitely a place I could see myself meeting up with friends on weekend afternoons in the future.


Part 2 of the fun Saturday adventure was a surprise trip to a park in Cameron that we passed by on the way home from the cidery. Funny enough, I saw the sun setting over the trees and I told Alex I wanted to pull in to go snap a photo (yes, I know…). We ended up down by the water, cracking jokes, and playing on the playground. It was such an enjoyable, much needed moment!


I’m grateful for every fun and goofy moment with Alex. My love and better half — there is no other human on the planet who really understands me and all my silliness!


Saturday night, Alex and I enjoyed a quick, easy dinner and a night in. Pretty sure I was sleeping by 9pm — falling asleep while typing on my laptop of course!


To cap off an amazing weekend, Alex and I took Mogul to Oak Island Sunday afternoon. Of course he loved running on the beach, digging in the sand, and chasing his frisbee around. Winter beaching is such a fun activity to me — it’s not hot, it’s not filled with people, and it’s quiet and relaxing!


Did you do anything fun over the last few weeks? Share in the comments below!
