29 Lessons On My 29th Birthday

Today is my 29th birthday. 29! Where have all the years gone?


As a 20-year-old, I was an entirely different person than I am today. Like many young 20-somethings, most of my early twenties were spent wrapped up in naivety, selfishly doing whatever I wanted, when I wanted, and not caring about others in the process. Coming out of high school and tasting my first years of freedom and independence in college, I truly believed actions didn’t have consequences if I told myself they didn’t; I believed I could live life the way I wanted and there’d be no repercussions on the back end if I said there weren’t. I didn’t care what trouble I got into or who I offended with my words or actions, I cared more about what other people thought of me and tried way too hard to fit into the box I thought I was supposed to fit into. I was a good person, no doubt, but I was a shell of my 29-year-old self I see in the mirror today.

One year shy of 30, I’ve never felt more aligned with who I am and who I want to be. I know what I deserve and what I’m capable of. I know what makes me happy and I’ve learned to embrace more of it. I’ve grown in ways I never thought possible, gained so much confidence in myself and my abilities, and become comfortable with accepting me for who I am today — quirks, flaws, frustrations, and all. I’m a better daughter, sister, fiancé, and friend for all I’ve learned throughout my twenties, and many of you can probably relate to that sentiment.

Entering the last year of such a defining decade in my life, I feel so grateful for all my twenties have taught me. Days like today, I can’t help but look back and reflect on all I’ve learned these past nine years. I would be nothing without the mistakes I’ve made, challenges I’ve overcome, and experiences I’ve been blessed to learn from year over year. To my younger self and every other 20-something looking for a little bit of life advice to get you through the most tumultuous yet molding years of life, I wanted to share 29 lessons I’ve learned throughout my twenties in honor of my 29th birthday.

  • Everyone knows something you don’t. Listen, learn, and appreciate what others bring to the table.

  • Expressing emotions is 100x better than suppressing them.

  • Never stop learning and educating yourself. Ask lots of questions always.

  • Do more of what makes you happy and less of what brings you down.

  • There’s no time like the present. Stop fretting about the past and worrying about the future and learn to appreciate what you have right now.

  • Comparison is the thief of joy. You will only limit your own potential when you compare your path to that of others.

  • Make time with family a priority.

  • Focus on gratitude everyday. There are so many little things to appreciate in all facets of life.

  • Pursue your passions and let your creativity blossom every chance you can.

  • The storm always passes. Even amid the darkest of days, remember the struggles of today don’t define who you’ll be tomorrow.

  • You’re nothing without good health. Eat good food, exercise your body often, and take care of your mental health.

  • Learn to embrace your flaws. Everyone’s got them.

  • Choose your battles wisely. Not every bridge is worth burning.

  • Not everyone will like you and that’s okay. There’s a lot of jealousy, envy, bitterness, and resentment in this crazy world.

  • Stop apologizing for things outside of your control.

  • Always be the most genuine and authentic version of yourself. Give up the fake niceties.

  • Travel is one of the most powerful and important things you can do. It will open your mind in ways you never thought were possible. Travel often, travel far, and travel with endless boundaries.

  • The company you keep says a lot about you. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not those who bring you down. Long story short, choose people who choose you.

  • Home is wherever you make it.

  • Some friendships aren’t made to last forever. Those who truly matter will stay with you through the many seasons of life. Some friendships are only meant to be temporary and that’s okay.

  • The older you get, the faster life passes by. Use your time wisely as it’s your most valuable resource. None of us know exactly how much of it we have left.

  • It’s okay to feel lost and confused and unsure of what the future holds for you. In reality, no one has it all figured out.

  • The best things in life aren’t things, they’re memories. Invest more of your time, money, and energy into experiences and take lots of photos to freeze, remember, and reminisce on forever.

  • Pets make the best companions. Life is happier with them in it.

  • Stand up for yourself and fight for what you know you deserve. You don’t get what you don’t ask for.

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. It creates more stress and anxiety than it’s worth.

  • Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t seek advice from.

  • Have standards, not expectations.

  • Age is really just a number. Don’t let it define who you are and what potential you have left.


Of all the mistakes I’ve made, risks I’ve taken that didn’t pan out the way I hoped, and lessons learned through many years of trial and error, I don’t regret any of the choices I’ve made because they brought me here. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, more in tune with myself than ever before, and so excited for what’s yet to come. Year 29… as bittersweet as it is to see you, I’m ready to see what you’ve got in store for me. A year from now, I won’t be able to call myself a 20-something anymore, so I better make this last year count. Cheers to 29!


What advice would you share with your younger self? Drop a comment below.
