Weekly Snaps!

Today marks the first Sunday of the NFL offseason. Instead of gearing up to watch football, I’m drinking coffee, writing, and watching Suits on Amazon Prime (with my little helper as always). As much as I love the NFL football season, being free on Sunday again feels so nice! Don’t get me wrong, I love watching football games on Sundays, but after several months of the regular season plus the playoffs and the Super Bowl, I look forward to February for some time off from being glued to the tv all day long.


I forgot to share in last week’s post that Alex and I tried the Shiner S’more seasonal beer last weekend. We were in line behind a guy at Total Wine & More and he was buying the store’s last three cases of it. I was immediately intrigued by it and asked him if it was good; he said it was one of his favorite seasonal beers, so I took his word for it and bought the last couple of loose cans. I have to say, it was a good, not too sweet ale with hints of chocolate and marshmallow. I’ll definitely look for it again in the future.


This week started with a really pretty sunrise that I enjoyed from my dining room window. I poured a cup of coffee and watched the colorful sky spread out over the trees for a few minutes before going about my morning routine. Everyone was tired on Monday morning, pup included. It was a slow paced day that ended with a three hour episode of The Bachelor and a subsequently later than usual bedtime for me (11pm is very late haha).


Tuesday morning brought fluffy clouds and blue skies along with it, so I snapped a few photos of the skyline both in the back yard and on my way to work. Fluffy clouds are my favorite — I love how they contrast against blue skies.


After work on Tuesday, I met a couple colleagues out for a business dinner and enjoyed a few beers before heading home to Alex and the boys. The boys were having a stare down in the living room before bed (usual occurrence) and I caught this cute photo of Mogul looking back at me saying, “Mom the cat won’t leave me alone!” or “Mom would you please put the camera down?”. I can’t tell which one, what do you think?


The sunny blue skies from Tuesday turned into cloudy, rainy skies on Wednesday. I came home for lunch to see the pup and we enjoyed the 70 degree post rainy weather on the patio for a bit before going inside to make some mac & cheese. I snapped a few cute photos with the pup while the orange floof watched us from inside, secretly a bit jealous that he couldn’t come outside too.


I missed the second episode of The Bachelor Wednesday night because I went out for another business dinner with my colleagues. I got home a bit late, so there wasn’t much time to do anything but catch some z’s for the night.

I snapped quite a few photos on Thursday, aka the rainiest day we’ve had in North Carolina in a while. It was pouring rain when I woke up in the morning, pouring rain when I came home after work, and pouring rain when we went to bed. Real talk though, I do love a good rainy morning; there’s something relaxing about the sound of the rain. Well, relaxing until you have to go out and about in it. Then it’s a total bummer!

(Pup wanted in on the rainy morning photo shoot, but this blurry shot was the best I could get.)


The water very quickly pooled in the yards and ditches around the neighborhood. And my boots got super wet just fulfilling my motherly duties of taking the pup out to the bathroom before I left for work. That part sucked a bit. It’s kind of a pain not having a fully fenced in yard — rain or shine, I’ve got to be out there beside the dog every time he needs to go out. Gotta love rainy days!


As it rained all day, the water continued to pool in a lot of the low lying areas. I was driving home Thursday night and hit a nasty pool of water on one of the dark country roads I take every day. Thank goodness there were no cars coming toward me in the other lane; I was able to swerve out and avoid potential hydroplaning. Super dangerous conditions, so I was glad to get home to see the boys. I went upstairs to see Klein first, which made my clingy German Shepherd jealous of course.


Mogul was really playful on Thursday night. We played fetch for at least 20 straight minutes in the house — he kept proudly bringing the ball back to me with the cutest eyes and happy face!


I took Mogul out one last time before bed Thursday night (yes it was still raining) and queue Fearless by Taylor Swift because there really is something about the way the street looks when it’s just rained…


After two days away, the sun FINALLY came back on Friday and thank goodness it did! It was about 20 degrees cooler on Friday, hovering around 50 degrees the whole day.

It was also super windy all day on Friday. Definitely the kind of windy where your hair sticks to your lipstick haha! I enjoyed stepping out for lunch to snap a few cute, silly pictures of the wind taking over my hair. Oh, but don’t worry, I took one nice one at the end too!


I was lucky enough to catch a pretty sunset on my drive home from work Friday night. Alex and I went out Friday night with some friends and had a few beers and good laughs at a local brewery. We got home late, walked the pup, and went to bed!


Saturday was legitimately one of those low key, do nothing kind of days for me. My energetic alarm clock woke me up bright and early Saturday morning with the whole stare-at-her-until-she-gets-up nonsense. Let me tell you, it works really well for him considering I always get up, take him outside, and feed him… then *attempt* go back to bed until he wakes me up 30 minutes later shoving a slobbery ball in my face!


The rest of the day was pretty meh at best. I wasn’t feeling sick per say, but I didn’t feel 100% either. In fact, I took two 2-hour naps between 9am and 3pm and after waking up from the second one, I felt so groggy I might as well have just gone to bed for the night. I showered after the second nap and took the pup out to play some frisbee. I may have accidentally tossed the frisbee onto the roof, but that’s one secret I’ll never tell…


The only real time I left the house on Saturday was to run to the grocery store to pick up food to make for dinner. I decided I was cozy enough to make the trek in my pj joggers, please reserve your judgement for another day haha!


I love that it’s starting to get [a little bit] lighter earlier in the mornings now. I took Mogul outside around 6:40am this morning and caught the start of the sunrise on one side of the street, all the while watching the moon shine bright over the trees in our back yard. The battle of the sun and moon in the morning, a classic duel.


The boys were back in tip top Tom & Jerry form this morning. They pestered each other at least 40 minutes before going their separate ways for mid-morning nap time. Klein chose a cozy spot away from us, but Mogul chose to snuggle in by my feet while I was writing my blog post. My snoozy little helper!


We had to run a few errands this afternoon, so I finally decided to get dressed and make myself presentable for the first time all weekend. It felt good to put on real clothes and felt even better to get out, walk around, and get some fresh air. I was snapping a quick photo of my outfit on the patio when you-know-who came creeping in. Wherever I am, there’s a dog!


This weekend has been all about recharging. Alex and I have been on the go quite a bit and I’ve got a lot of work travel coming up in the next weeks, so a little relax and recharge felt good this weekend. As the daylight faded, I got to take in sunset views with my love on a walk with our pup. Now it’s time to get ready for the week ahead, make it a good one!


What was your favorite part of the week? Share in the comments below!
