Weekly Snaps!

Between work/traveling for work, house hunting for a new rental, and all the little things in between, I have been so busy over the course of the last few weeks. It’s hard to believe that February has come and gone so quickly — and it’s especially crazy, crazy, crazy to believe that March is already here. 2020 is flying right by, isn’t it?!

It’s been a few weeks since I posted the last Weekly Snaps, so I figured it was about time to let you all know what I’ve been up to lately. Going forward, I’m intending to post Weekly Snaps every few weeks so I can give myself time to write up other content as well. Working an 8-5 on top of this blogging stuff is hard work.

So let’s catch up, shall we?!


First things first, Alex and I have been spending a lot of time in the backyard playing ball and frisbee with Mogul. Now that the sun is setting later, we’ve actually got some extra evening time to be outside. The dog absolutely loves playing in the yard and for me, getting fresh air after working inside and staring at a computer all day feels so nice.


Valentine’s Day marked nine years for Alex and me. We’ve been through so many phases of life together and our relationship only gets stronger and stronger with each passing day. We had a low key Valentine’s — we went out with some friends on Valentine’s evening and then bought a bottle of wine and cooked some food to celebrate our relationship the night after.


The cat and dog were up to their usual shenanigans on Valentine’s weekend as well. Both so eccentric and cute, I love them so much!

To cap off Valentine’s weekend, Alex and I went out to a local brewery so sip some beers and be productive on a Sunday afternoon. I enjoyed a couple cold ones and wrote up a blog post about songs I’m loving lately. It was a fun afternoon!


The weather has been so crazy flip-floppy here in North Carolina. One night I walked Mogul in just a sweatshirt, but the next night I had to be bundled up like it was the coldest day the universe had ever seen. How nice you are, Mother Nature…


The week of February 17 started off pretty low key. Not many pictures to report from the first half of the week but a couple cute selfies. Not complaining, just saying!

But then things got interesting in the back half of the week — it snowed in North Carolina! To be honest, it was a super disappointing snow day. The weatherman had reported all week that we could see several inches of snow, but it turned out to be just shy of eight tenths of an inch when it was all said and done.

This snowfall was Mogul’s first experience with snow. Unfortunately the snow started after dark and never really accumulated in the yard, but we were able to let Mogul out on the deck to check it out. All he wanted to do was eat it — super adorable! I could tell he didn’t love it though; after about three minutes playing around in it, he was begging to go back inside.


That Friday night, Alex and I went out for dinner to a local restaurant we both really love. We enjoyed some good food and drinks and called it an early night.


The following Saturday brought sunshine and cold temperatures. The remaining snow on the patio had turned to ice, but Mogul was still so intrigued by it and tried to eat it. I had asked him to sit for a picture and when he sat down, his butt touched the ice and he jumped right back up. It was pretty funny.


To cap off the weekend, I made a mimosa, cranked out a blog post on a subject I love (positivity), and relaxed a bit before heading to bed. My alarm was set for 3:00AM Monday morning — a joyful time for a not-morning person like myself.


If you follow me on Instagram, you know I spent last week across the border in Mexico on a business trip. It was my first time in Mexico and I had so much fun the entire trip. I met so many new people, tried lots of good food, and drank some of the best tequila. As fun as it was, it was exhausting though — I had hardly no downtime since we worked long days, ate very late dinners, and got up early in the morning to rinse and repeat the cycle. I’m planning to recap my time in Mexico in my next blog post, so keep your eyes peeled for it!


It’s been an adjustment returning from a week away. I’ve been so tired and unmotivated — not good for someone who has a week to pack the house to move next weekend. Our lease is coming up on our current rental, so we signed a lease on a new rental. It sucks we have to move, but our new house has a big fenced in back yard, so it will be good for the dog. We picked up our keys on Friday, so wish us luck in the moving process! I know I’ll need a lot more coffee to make it through.


Alex and I had a low key Leap Day. We had lunch, ran some errands, and stopped by our new house to complete our move in inspection form. Klein doesn’t get as much love online as Mogul does, so I dedicated my Leap Day snap to Klein in a cute green bandana. Did you do anything exciting to celebrate Leap Day?


Rounding out the weekend, I organized a group kickball game with friends and work colleagues at a local park. After nine innings, lots of laughs, and an overall good time, my team won 5-1. I’m hoping to play more games throughout the year when the weather is nice. It was such a refreshing change of pace to get out and enjoy the sunny skies with good company and some exercise too. And you bet we celebrated post-game at a bar to end the afternoon.


So here I am, winding down on a Sunday night, watching Suits on Amazon Prime. It’s going to be a hectic, busy week — here’s to hoping I stay afloat. Let’s make it a good week friends!
