Our First North Carolina Snow Day

Well friends, it finally happened. For the first time in the seven years we’ve lived in North Carolina, it snowed! Not rain, not sleet, but actual accumulating SNOW!

After sleeting yesterday evening, heavier snow started falling and sticking around 9pm. The snow continued to fall throughout the night and into the early morning hours, stopping just before dawn. When we woke up this morning, we were excited to see two to three inches of thick, white, beautiful snow blanketing the ground! Born and raised in Wisconsin, Alex and I are no strangers to snow. However, here in the south, snow doesn’t fall often. So when it does, it’s quite a sight to see.

First things first, we had to let Mogul run around in the snow. Having never seen snow before, he was skeptical about the foreign precipitation when we took him out before bed last night, but this morning, he sprinted right outside and it took an hour to corral him back into the house. He was having so much fun zooming around, biting the snow, and digging up all his frozen, snow-covered frisbees.

Alex’s snow day wish was to make a snow angel, so we found a fresh patch of snow in the front yard to do just that. In a sweatshirt and sweatpants, he fell backwards and made a big old snow angel with the most genuine smile on his face. Another check for the bucket list — the rare, illusive North Carolina snow angel. Seven years in the making!

After warming up with some coffee, we took Mogul for a walk around the neighborhood. One of our neighbors asked if we “brought the snow with us from Wisconsin” and we shared a laugh about that one. We all agreed the snow made it feel more like winter.

Both Alex and I have always loved snow. It’s one of the things we miss most this time of year. But living in the south, we have to take what we can get, so we spent today enjoying every minute possible. And though it’s melting quick, we’re planning to enjoy the magical scene as long as it lasts. Who knows when the next snowfall will come around.

As for now, I’m going to cozy up with a caramel latte and Colleen Hoover’s new book Reminders of Him. Later tonight, we’ll be in full sports mode as we cheer on the Green Bay Packers. Go Pack Go!
