Labor Day Weekend at Jordan Lake

Though it’s “technically summer” for a few more weeks, Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer for me. There’s something about the “ber” months — they carry a different feeling. Here in North Carolina, it’ll be hot for awhile longer, but that won’t stop me from pulling out my flannel shirts and combat boots and drinking all the pumpkin coffee. Fall = peak happiness Jen. We had a great summer, but I’m ready for a change of season.

This past Labor Day weekend, our friends invited us out for one last summer boat day at Jordan Lake. I’ve not been out on Jordan Lake before, so I was excited for a new adventure. Plus, we always have fun aboard the Aquaholic. Boat days make for the best days.

First stop was a ride across the lake to the party cove. We anchored the boat, grabbed our White Claws and High Noons, and turned the music up for an afternoon of fresh air and good vibes.

Of course we had to jump in the lake to cool off. So refreshing on a hot summer day!

After a few hours of fun in the sun, we got back in the boat and spent some time cruising around the lake. We watched lots of other boats, tubers, jet skiers, and more as they soaked up the last summer days, too. Reminds me of the summer fun we used to have as kids at the family cabin — swimming, boating, fishing, tubing, you name it.

Alex having fun on the back of the boat.

First a smile…

Then the tongue comes out!

The guys having a jet boat beach off. Very comical.

Every good day comes to an end, just like every season must fade to make room for the next. We had the best boat day and couldn’t have asked for better weather. A stress free, relaxing time with friends… priceless. Laughter really is the best medicine.

And that’s a wrap for summer 2023! Hope you had a safe, enjoyable Labor Day weekend.

Fall Jen is loading in 3, 2, 1!
