Our Polaroid Picture Wedding Memories

The month of August may have slipped away into a moment in time, but it’s one Alex and I will remember forever.

One month post-marriage, our dreamy, perfect wedding day still plays on a loop in my mind. Looking back, the endless planning, late nights, and every ounce of heart and soul we dumped into creating our special day, was worth it all. Like so many of our family and friends, I’m so glad we finally said “I Do”.

One of the things I loved most about our wedding was how much we prioritized having fun — and in the end, we had FUN. With weddings, sometimes people fixate on such small, minute details, and by doing so, they bring extra stress and pressure upon themselves. Planning and executing a wedding is already stressful; it was our goal not to create more stress where it wasn’t needed. More than anything, we wanted to celebrate new beginnings with the people we love.

When Alex and I were brainstorming ideas for our wedding, we both loved the idea to incorporate Polaroid cameras, so we bought a few of them to use throughout our wedding day (including during the ceremony — we had our officiant take a Polaroid picture of us under the arch, a picture we’ll see for the first time when we open our unity box on our first wedding anniversary). For 35 days leading up to our wedding day, we also used the same Polaroid cameras to snap a daily picture of ourselves. We labeled them all [Date/X days until “I Do”!] and displayed them on a cork board next to our Polaroid guestbook. We wanted everyone to see how much fun we had counting down the last days before we tied the knot. Now, it’s such a fun memory board to look back at.

Throughout the reception, the Polaroid cameras were a hit; we had so much fun taking pictures and capturing moments out on the dance floor. The day post-wedding, Alex and I looked through our bowl of Polaroid memories and it brought us tremendous joy to see so many in-the-moment pictures of our guests smiling, laughing, and having the best night — on our happiest night.


The first dance of the night.

The Jens. King Groom. Matt and his girlfriend.

My aunt Pam.

Easy like a casual Philadelphia night.

Chad, my oldest childhood friend.

Sam and Sylvia get an A+ for these.

“Everyone report to the dance floor” includes babies. Berkley with Aunt Tiffaney!

Sam and Sylvia. Jeff and Nikki.

Nici, my goddaughter and second cousin.

Sam and his sweet treats. Bride and Groom. Alex and Sam.

Featuring Justin’s tongue and Amanda.

Adam, Elise, and Brandon.

Paul and Julie.

John and Nicole. Alex and friends.

Alex and his dad.


Mom and Grandma.

Whose hand, no one knows. Mike and May, our sweet friends.

Bride and Groom dancing with Sachin.

Mr. B, he’s real! Alex lost the buttons on his shirt.

Ben and Amanda who trekked halfway across the country with three kiddos who had the time of their lives taking Polaroids.

Misc. assortment of Sachin and Bhavana and my family. Smiley, cheesing Brandon.

Riley close up. Oh hi Jenni!

Ben and Mel.


When “no karaoke” turns into karaoke of Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble” because someone gave Michelle a microphone.

We can’t wait to see all the professional grade photos from our actual photographer, but I’m thankful we have these Polaroid picture wedding memories to reminisce upon now and forever. If you’re looking for a sign to have a Polaroid wedding, do it!

See you next time!