Posts tagged saturday
Weekly Recap: My Sister's Bridal Shower and Inevitable End of WFH

Last weekend, I flew back home to Wisconsin to attend/host my sister’s bridal shower. It was supposed to be a surprise buttttt the Brandl fam is terrible at keeping secrets, so the word got out a little early (thanks Mom, still love you). Busted secrets aside, the shower ended up being a lot of fun and my sister thoroughly enjoyed herself, so I’m calling that one a win. It was also nice having a few extra days off work as I was able to spend time with family, visit with my grandparents, and indulge in a few of my Wisconsin favorites. I stayed up way too late for three consecutive nights, but shared lots of laughs with loved ones which helps justify the exhaustion I’ve been feeling since I returned back to North Carolina late Monday night.

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Weekly Recap: I Got My Moderna Booster Vaccine!

This week I come bearing exciting news! Earlier this week, I received my second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and I couldn’t be happier about it! Prior to my appointment, I was feeling nervous having heard everyone else’s second dose sickness stories, but fortunately for me, my side effects were super mild, the worse being more fatigue than usual and a 2x2” diameter red swollen spot at my injection site. I’ve been taking it super easy all week to allow myself time to fully recover, but suffice it to say, I’m so excited to be (almost) fully vaccinated!

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