Posts in Life
Weekly Recap: Chaos, Fun, and I Said “Yes” to the Dress!

What the heck happened to January? What usually feels like the slowest month ever passed by in the blink of an eye. On one hand, I can’t believe it’s already the first week of February, but on the other, I definitely can. For me, the entire month of January can be summed up like this: chaotic, but lots of fun. No rest for the wicked!

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Life Lately: January-May 2022

Another “life lately” catch up post coming at you. It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these, so today’s post will cover the highlights of January-May 2022. From a snow day to a handful of coastal day trips to opening night of minor league baseball at our local stadium, life’s been full of adventure so far this year — I just can’t believe it’s almost halfway over! If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that you can’t stop time so you might as well enjoy it while you can.

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Weekly Recap: Recovering from COVID-19

After evading COVID-19 the last 2+ years, the virus finally made its way into our house a couple weekends ago. Symptom-wise, Alex suffered a cough, fever, and lots of congestion, while I had a sore throat, cough, fever, headaches, congestion, AND lost my taste and smell. It’s honestly crazy how different the virus is for every person. For awhile I was concerned I’d never smell again, but thankfully my senses seem to be in the process of restoring themselves (praise!).

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Life Lately: December 2021

Another “life lately” catch up post coming at you. Today I’m recapping one of my favorite months… December! December was a great month filled with lots of fun activity for me. Thanks to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays and an extremely flexible job, I was able to take the last two weeks of December off work — and let me tell you, the extended break was SO good for my mental health.

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